Image Contest

Show Off Your Spatial Biology Skills

The 2024 Image Contest is now complete. Please check back next year for your next chance to enter and win.

In the meantime, see here for the winners of the 2024 Image Contest and the amazing images they have generated using Akoya’s spatial biology solutions.

2024 Tissue Image Contest 46 Perivascular niche in human glioblastom 1

“Perivascular Niche In Human Glioblastoma” Lymphocytes, macrophages, and collagen 4 surrounding several blood vessels. FFPE tissue stained using a 58-plex neuro-immuno-oncology panel on the PhenoCycler-Fusion platform.

Submitted by Theo Mantamadiotis, PhD, Associate Professor, University of Melbourne.

Have you ever produced a tissue image using Akoya’s Technology that makes you say WOW? Submit your best-looking tissue images to the Akoya Image Contest for a chance to win a prize and have your work featured!

Three winners (top 3 images) will receive:

  • $100 Amazon gift card (or regional equivalent)
  • Promotion on Akoya’s social media channels and blog, highlighting your image, data, and research

To enter the contest, please:

  1. Submit the form on this page and include your tissue image(s)
  2. Email a signed copy of the Declaration and Release Form to us at

Deadline for entry is June 14, 2024.

Official contest rules are available here.

Need some inspiration?

Check out this past winner, a tonsil section stained with CD16a, CD56, CD94, CD68, CD3, PanCK, and DAPI.

oct21 img contest snersesian

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

This is a contest held by Akoya Biosciences for tissue images taken with Akoya Technology. There will be a total of 3 winners. Akoya will select the top 3 winning tissue images.

All tissue images must be produced using Akoya technology (including staining, imaged using one of our instruments or analyzed using one of our software platforms).

The contest is open to all spatial biology enthusiasts, 21 years of age or older, excluding Akoya employees, family members, affiliates, suppliers, and agencies.

There is no limit to the number of images each participant is allowed to submit, however participants can only receive 1 prize.

Akoya intends to promote the winners and winning images via Akoya social channels and blog. All image submissions may be used for promotion. See Terms and Conditions for more information.

Akoya will notify the winners by contacting them via email within 5 days following winner selection.

Not Currently Accepting Submissions