PhenoImager Fusion Software 2.2.0


  • FusionSetup 2.2.0
  • PhenoCyclerExperimentDesignerSetup 2.1.0
  • inFormSetup 3.0.0
  • PhenochartSetup 2.0.1
  • PCF 2.0 Run Buffer Calculator

Release Notes:

  • Fusion Software 2.2.0 Release Notes
  • PhenoCycler Experiment Designer 2.1.0 Release Notes
  • Phenochart 2.0.1 Release Notes
  • inForm 3.0.0 Release Notes

User Guides:

  • PhenoCycler-Fusion User Guide 2.2.0 *
  • PhenoImager Fusion User Guide_ SW 2.2.0 **
    • (For use with PCF 1-Flow Cell Configuration and Fusion 4-Slide Configuration)
  • PhenoImager Fusion User Guide_SW 2.2.0 **
    • (For use with PCF 2-Flow Cell Configuration and Fusion 4-Slide Configuration)
  • Phenochart 2.0.1 User Guide
  • inForm 3.0.0 User Guide

* As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance assay robustness, we have updated the protocol for antibody staining. We no longer recommend covering the tissue sample with parafilm after applying the antibody cocktail, as this practice may lead to non-uniform staining. Following the application of the antibody cocktail, slides should still be incubated in a closed staining box. The updated protocol can be found in Chapter 3 of the PhenoCycler-Fusion user manual (Pg-40 for Fresh Frozen and Pg-51 for FFPE).

** PhenoImager Fusion users can use either of the PhenoImager Fusion User Guides.

We are committed to delivering the best user experience and continuously improving our software.

If you have any questions or feedback, please don’t hesitate to contact our support team at