
Activation of PPG neurons following acute stressors differentially involves hindbrain serotonin in male rats

Leon, R. M., Borner, T., Stein, L. M., Urrutia, N. A., De Jonghe, B. C., Schmidt, H. D., & Hayes, M. R. (2021). Activation of PPG neurons following acute stressors differentially involves hindbrain serotonin in male rats. Neuropharmacology, 187, 108477.

Activation of PPG neurons following acute stressors differentially involves hindbrain serotonin in male rats Read More »

Rapid resistance of FGFR-driven gastric cancers to regorafenib and targeted FGFR inhibitors can be overcome by parallel inhibition of MEK

Lau, D. K., Luk, I. Y., Jenkins, L. J., Martin, A., Williams, D. S., Schoffer, K. L., Chionh, F., Buchert, M., Sjoquist, K., Boussioutas, A., Hayes, S. A., Ernst, M., Weickhardt, A. J., Pavlakis, N., Tebbutt, N. C., & Mariadason, J. M. (2021). Rapid Resistance of FGFR-driven Gastric Cancers to Regorafenib and Targeted FGFR Inhibitors can be Overcome by Parallel Inhibition of MEK. Molecular cancer therapeutics, 20(4), 704–715.

Rapid resistance of FGFR-driven gastric cancers to regorafenib and targeted FGFR inhibitors can be overcome by parallel inhibition of MEK Read More »

The peritumoral hypointense rim around hepatocellular carcinoma on T2*-weighted magnetic resonance imaging: radiologic–pathologic correlation

Tsukahara, Y., Okajima, Y., Yamada, A., Momose, M., Uehara, T., Shimizu, A., Soejima, Y., & Fujinaga, Y. (2021). The peritumoral hypointense rim around hepatocellular carcinoma on T2*-weighted magnetic resonance imaging: radiologic-pathologic correlation. World journal of surgical oncology, 19(1), 41.

The peritumoral hypointense rim around hepatocellular carcinoma on T2*-weighted magnetic resonance imaging: radiologic–pathologic correlation Read More »

Highly multiplexed tissue imaging using repeated oligonucleotide exchange reaction

Kennedy-Darling, J., Bhate, S. S., Hickey, J. W., Black, S., Barlow, G. L., Vazquez, G., Venkataraaman, V. G., Samusik, N., Goltsev, Y., Schürch, C. M., & Nolan, G. P. (2021). Highly multiplexed tissue imaging using repeated oligonucleotide exchange reaction. European journal of immunology, 51(5), 1262–1277.

Highly multiplexed tissue imaging using repeated oligonucleotide exchange reaction Read More »

Tumor to normal single-cell mRNA comparisons reveal a pan-neuroblastoma cancer cell

Kildisiute, G., Kholosy, W. M., Young, M. D., Roberts, K., Elmentaite, R., van Hooff, S. R., Pacyna, C. N., Khabirova, E., Piapi, A., Thevanesan, C., Bugallo-Blanco, E., Burke, C., Mamanova, L., Keller, K. M., Langenberg-Ververgaert, K., Lijnzaad, P., Margaritis, T., Holstege, F., Tas, M. L., Wijnen, M., … Behjati, S. (2021). Tumor to normal single-cell mRNA comparisons reveal a pan-neuroblastoma cancer cell. Science advances, 7(6), eabd3311.

Tumor to normal single-cell mRNA comparisons reveal a pan-neuroblastoma cancer cell Read More »

TREM-1+ Macrophages Define a Pathogenic Cell Subset in the Intestine of Crohn’s Disease Patients

Caër, C., Gorreja, F., Forsskåhl, S. K., Brynjolfsson, S. F., Szeponik, L., Magnusson, M. K., Börjesson, L. G., Block, M., Lindskog, E. B., & Wick, M. J. (2021). TREM-1+ Macrophages Define a Pathogenic Cell Subset in the Intestine of Crohn’s Disease Patients. Journal of Crohn’s & colitis, jjab022. Advance online publication.

TREM-1+ Macrophages Define a Pathogenic Cell Subset in the Intestine of Crohn’s Disease Patients Read More »

Ectopic CD137 expression by rhabdomyosarcoma provides selection advantages but allows immunotherapeutic targeting

Lee, K. Y., Wong, H. Y., Zeng, Q., Le Lin, J., Cheng, M. S., Kuick, C. H., Chang, K., Loh, A., & Schwarz, H. (2021). Ectopic CD137 expression by rhabdomyosarcoma provides selection advantages but allows immunotherapeutic targeting. Oncoimmunology, 10(1), 1877459.

Ectopic CD137 expression by rhabdomyosarcoma provides selection advantages but allows immunotherapeutic targeting Read More »

IgA transcytosis and antigen recognition govern ovarian cancer immunity

Biswas, S., Mandal, G., Payne, K. K., Anadon, C. M., Gatenbee, C. D., Chaurio, R. A., Costich, T. L., Moran, C., Harro, C. M., Rigolizzo, K. E., Mine, J. A., Trillo-Tinoco, J., Sasamoto, N., Terry, K. L., Marchion, D., Buras, A., Wenham, R. M., Yu, X., Townsend, M. K., Tworoger, S. S., … Conejo-Garcia, J. R. (2021). IgA transcytosis and antigen recognition govern ovarian cancer immunity. Nature, 591(7850), 464–470.

IgA transcytosis and antigen recognition govern ovarian cancer immunity Read More »