
Inhibition of mPGES-1 attenuates efficient resolution of acute inflammation by enhancing CX3CL1 expression

Rappl, P., Rösser, S., Maul, P., Bauer, R., Huard, A., Schreiber, Y., Thomas, D., Geisslinger, G., Jakobsson, P. J., Weigert, A., Brüne, B., & Schmid, T. (2021). Inhibition of mPGES-1 attenuates efficient resolution of acute inflammation by enhancing CX3CL1 expression. Cell death & disease, 12(2), 135.

Inhibition of mPGES-1 attenuates efficient resolution of acute inflammation by enhancing CX3CL1 expression Read More »

Immune Cell Composition in the Endometrium of Patients with a Complete Molar Pregnancy: Effects on Outcome

Hoeijmakers, Y. M., Gorris, M. A., Sweep, F. C., Bulten, J., Eysbouts, Y. K., Massuger, L. F., … & de Vries, J. I. (2021). Immune cell composition in the endometrium of patients with a complete molar pregnancy: Effects on outcome. Gynecologic Oncology, 160(2), 450-456.

Immune Cell Composition in the Endometrium of Patients with a Complete Molar Pregnancy: Effects on Outcome Read More »

Merkel Cell Carcinoma-Derived Exosome-Shuttle MiR-375 Induces Fibroblast Polarization by Inhibition of RBPJ and P53

Fan, K., Spassova, I., Gravemeyer, J., Ritter, C., Horny, K., Lange, A., … & Becker, J. C. (2021). Merkel cell carcinoma-derived exosome-shuttle miR-375 induces fibroblast polarization by inhibition of RBPJ and p53. Oncogene, 40(5), 980-996.

Merkel Cell Carcinoma-Derived Exosome-Shuttle MiR-375 Induces Fibroblast Polarization by Inhibition of RBPJ and P53 Read More »

Novel variants in the stem cell niche factor WNT2B define the disease phenotype as a congenital enteropathy with ocular dysgenesis

Zhang, Y. J., Jimenez, L., Azova, S., Kremen, J., Chan, Y. M., Elhusseiny, A. M., Saeed, H., Goldsmith, J., Al-Ibraheemi, A., O’Connell, A. E., Kovbasnjuk, O., Rodan, L., Agrawal, P. B., & Thiagarajah, J. R. (2021). Novel variants in the stem cell niche factor WNT2B define the disease phenotype as a congenital enteropathy with ocular dysgenesis. European journal of human genetics : EJHG, 29(6), 998–1007.

Novel variants in the stem cell niche factor WNT2B define the disease phenotype as a congenital enteropathy with ocular dysgenesis Read More »

Mer tyrosine kinase (MerTK) as a possible link between resolution of inflammation and tissue fibrosis in IgG4-related disease

Rovati, L., Kaneko, N., Pedica, F., Monno, A., Maehara, T., Perugino, C., Lanzillotta, M., Pecetta, S., Stone, J. H., Doglioni, C., Manfredi, A. A., Pillai, S., & Della-Torre, E. (2021). Mer tyrosine kinase (MerTK) as a possible link between resolution of inflammation and tissue fibrosis in IgG4-related disease. Rheumatology (Oxford, England), keab096. Advance online publication.

Mer tyrosine kinase (MerTK) as a possible link between resolution of inflammation and tissue fibrosis in IgG4-related disease Read More »

Regorafenib-Avelumab combination in patients with microsatellite stable colorectal cancer (REGOMUNE) : a single arm, open-label, phase II trial

Cousin, S., Cantarel, C., Guegan, J. P., Gomez-Roca, C., Metges, J. P., Adenis, A., Pernot, S., Bellera, C., Kind, M., Auzanneau, C., Le Loarer, F., Soubeyran, I., Bessede, A., & Italiano, A. (2021). Regorafenib-Avelumab Combination in Patients with Microsatellite Stable Colorectal Cancer (REGOMUNE): A Single-arm, Open-label, Phase II Trial. Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research, 27(8), 2139–2147.

Regorafenib-Avelumab combination in patients with microsatellite stable colorectal cancer (REGOMUNE) : a single arm, open-label, phase II trial Read More »

Immunophenotype of Gastric Tumors Unveils a Pleiotropic Role of Regulatory T Cells in Tumor Development

Rocha, S., Basto, A. P., Ijsselsteijn, M. E., Teles, S. P., Azevedo, M. M., Gonçalves, G., Gullo, I., Almeida, G. M., Maqueda, J. J., Oliveira, M. I., Carneiro, F., Barata, J. T., Graça, L., de Miranda, N., Carvalho, J., & Oliveira, C. (2021). Immunophenotype of Gastric Tumors Unveils a Pleiotropic Role of Regulatory T Cells in Tumor Development. Cancers, 13(3), 421.

Immunophenotype of Gastric Tumors Unveils a Pleiotropic Role of Regulatory T Cells in Tumor Development Read More »

oHSV2 can effectively inhibit colorectal cancer liver metastasis by modulating the immune status in the tumour microenvironment and inducing specific antitumour immunity

Zhang, W., Zeng, B., Hu, X., Zou, L., Liang, J., Song, Y., Liu, B., & Liu, S. (2021). Oncolytic Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 Can Effectively Inhibit Colorectal Cancer Liver Metastasis by Modulating the Immune Status in the Tumor Microenvironment and Inducing Specific Antitumor Immunity. Human gene therapy, 32(3-4), 203–215.

oHSV2 can effectively inhibit colorectal cancer liver metastasis by modulating the immune status in the tumour microenvironment and inducing specific antitumour immunity Read More »