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CODEX® is now PhenoCycler, Phenoptics™ is now Phenolmager.

CODEX with Seurat: A high-dimensional approach to unlocking spatial insights

Webinar | August 31, 2021 | 8 AM PDT, 11 AM EDT, 5 PM CEST

Observing cell-cell interactions is critical to understanding causative factors of biological outcomes. As the only benchtop platform capable of multiplexing >40 markers in tissue, CODEX® (rebranded to PhenoCycler™) uniquely enables these observations by assaying tissue biopsies using fluidics, an inverted microscope, oligo-conjugated antibodies, and fluorescent reporters. In this webinar, we will demonstrate CODEX single-cell spatial phenotyping using Seurat- one of the most widely used open-source platforms for single-cell RNA analysis. In addition, we will cover how to perform cellular neighborhood analysis adapted from Garry Nolan’s lab.

What you will learn

  • How CODEX enables tissue multiplexing of 60 markers with single-cell resolution.
  • How to read and analyze CODEX data with Seurat.
  • How to visualize cell neighborhoods with CODEX MAV.




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Grady Carlson, PhD

Bioinformatics Field Application Scientist Akoya Biosciences